Sunday, March 9, 2025

Wait On The Lord For Your Spouse!


Genesis 2:24

"Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh."

This is what God ordained from the beginning! Marriage, between one man and one woman. He decreed that a man should leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife.

Did God ordain a boyfriend? How about a girlfriend? Both questions can be answered with a resounding, NO!

Of course you can have a friend that's a girl, if you're a male, and a friend that's a boy if you're a female. BUT, the relationship should not move beyond that friendship if you're not an adult and God has not made it clear that the person you have a close friendship with, will become your husband or wife.

There is so much heartache and sin amongst young people today who just can't wait on God to bless them with the ONE. You can avoid all the pain and heartbreaks from the so called boyfriends and girlfriends that you think you love for a time, but then for whatever the reason it doesn't work out.

If the world followed the commands of God and the teachings of Jesus Christ the amount of abortions would drastically decrease and the amount of children born without a father present would plummet as well. 

There wouldn't be any sexually transmitted diseases, unplanned pregnancies, and no promiscuity etc.....

Here's what the statistics say:

"In the United States, over 18.5 million children live with a single mother or father. Approximately five million children aged five and under live in a single parent household. Almost one-fourth (23%) of children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adult, which is the highest in the world."

"Approximately 40-50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce. Specifically, about 42%-45% of all first marriages and 60% for second marriages end in divorce. The divorce rate has been declining, and in 2019, it hit its lowest point in 50 years."

"In the first six months of 2024, the monthly national abortion count averaged nearly 98,000 abortions. That eclipses the 2023 monthly average of 88,000 and the 2022 monthly average of 81,400." 

That means that over one million pregnancies were aborted in 2024 alone!

So if all this is going on in the world, shouldn't those who profess Christ be completely the opposite? Yes Indeed!!!!

Let the people of God, OBEY the commands of God! We must wait on the Lord for our spouse's, and we must cry out to Him for guidance, and confirmation about the one we are to spend the rest of our lives with. It's a very important decision, and we need to be absolutely sure we are making the right choice!

In Christ,

Friday, March 7, 2025

Azusa Street Testimonies! (Part 2)


Arrested For Jesus Name

A brother who has been baptized with the Holy Spirit was arrested on account of the disturbance which the preaching of the Gospel created among the people who crowded about the tent in Pasadena. As he stood to answer the accusation of disturbing the peace, another brother says he saw an angel standing by his side. He was released. The Lord has been doing great things in that place and we expect greater things.

Some workers were preaching on the street corner in Los Angeles and a poor drunkard had just been saved, when a policeman came up and ordered them to stop, and took two of them off to jail. The sister sang all the way to the jail and shouted and prayed while they were there. They soon were anxious to get rid of them and let them go. Meantime the other workers returned to the mission and told how the workers had been arrested and they all went to the altar and prayed and arose praising God; and soon in walked the ones who had been arrested. We are ready not only to go to prison, but to give our lives for Jesus.

Missionaries To Jerusalem

A band of three missionaries, Bro. Andrew Johnson and Sisters Louisa Condit and Lucy M. Leatherman, who have been baptized with the Holy Spirit and received the gift of languages, have left for Jerusalem, going by way of Oakland, leaving there Aug. 10th. Reports came of meetings on the way that four souls received the Pentecost in Colorado Springs and three in Denver. Bro. Johnson has received seven different languages, one of which is the Arabic. Sister Leatherman speaks the Turkish language, and while in Oakland, some were talking on the street about the gift of tongues; Sister Leatherman began to speak just as a man wearing the Turkish fez came by. He listened in wonder and asked what college she had attended, saying she spoke the most perfect Turkish tongue he had heard spoken by a foreigner. He was an educated man from a Turkish college in Constantinople. She told him the Holy Spirit gave her the language which she did not understand herself and he was the first person that had interpreted for her.

God Still Heals

God laid His hand on a little crippled boy seven years of age and healed him of disease and made him whole except his ankles. He walked on the sides of his ankles. Then, when he was fourteen years of age, he had been sent to college and God had called him to preach. One day as he was sitting reading his Bible, a man came for him to go and hold a meeting. He began to say to the Lord: "Father, if I go to that place, it will be necessary for me to walk here and yonder, just put strength into these ankle joints of mine." And immediately he was made whole and leaped and praised God, like the man at the beautiful gate. He has since been in evangelistic work over the United States, seeing multitudes saved, sanctified and healed.

The Shekinah Glory Cloud

"Five years ago, God put it into this man's heart (Bro. Charles Parham) to go over to Topeka, Kansas, to educate missionaries to carry the Gospel. It was a faith school and the Bible was the only textbook. The students had gathered there without tuition or board, God sending in the means to carry on the work. Most of the students had been religious workers and said they had received the baptism with the Holy Spirit a number of years ago. Bro. Parham became convinced that there was no religious school that tallied up with the second chapter of Acts. Just before the first of January 1901, the Bible School began to study the word on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit to discover the Bible evidence of this baptism that they might obtain it.

The students kept up continual prayer in the praying tower. A company would go up and stay three hours, and then another company would go up and wait on God, praying that all the promises of the Word might be wrought out in their lives.

On New Year's night, Miss Agnes N. Ozman, one who had had for years "the anointing that abideth," which she mistook for the baptism, was convinced of the need of a personal Pentecost. A few minutes before midnight, she desired hands laid on her that she might receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. During prayer and invocation of hands, she was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave utterance.

This made all hungry. Scarcely eating or sleeping, the school with one accord waited on God. On the 3rd of January, 1901, Bro. Parham being absent holding a meeting at the time, while they all waited on God to send the baptism of the Spirit, suddenly twelve students were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, and when Bro. Parham returned and opened the door of the room where they were gathered; a wonderful sight met his eyes. The whole room was filled with a white sheen of light that could not be described, and twelve of the students were on their feet talking in different languages.

He said they seemed to pay no attention at all to him, and he knelt in one corner and said: "O, God, what does this mean?" The Lord said: "Are you able to stand for the experience in the face of persecution and howling mobs?" He said: "Yes, Lord, if you will give me the experience, for the laborer must first be partaker of the fruits." Instantly the Lord took his vocal organs, and he was preaching the Word in another language.

This man has preached in different languages over the United States, and men and women of that nationality have come to the altar and sought God. He was surely raised up of God to be an apostle of the doctrine of Pentecost.

In Christ Jesus,
