Showing posts with label The Victory Has Already Been Won. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Victory Has Already Been Won. Show all posts

Sunday, November 21, 2021

You Can't Beat God!

 Acts 5:38-39

"And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it—lest you even be found to fight against God.”

I think it's obvious when God is not truly doing a work through a man or woman, in a city or nation. Because when God truly makes a move there is supernatural power involved, there is chain breaking and bondage taking, divine power at the center of it.

When God does something it's big! It's not hidden, it's not men screaming and yelling, kicking or punching people, or pushing them down when you lay hands on their heads. When God is working, many times you never even have to come near a person, God does the work by His Spirit, His angels, and His grace. Supernatural spiritual work that the human eye cannot see!

I've read about or watched on Youtube many so-called revivals and outpourings of God, only to see them disappear after a few months or a year. After Jesus went back to Heaven and poured out His Spirit on His disciples and apostles on the day of Pentecost, the supernatural ministry works of the Apostles and Evangelists lasted at least twenty years or more! 

When God truly makes a move it shakes up the world and satan and his workers of evil quickly rise up to oppose it and do everything they can to discredit it. They did it in the first century when they persecuted the first Christians and put them to death by the sword, feeding them to the lions, beheading them and generally trying to make their lives as hard as possible.

The same thing happened at Azusa street in California when God used William Seymour in the midst of the worst segregation in America, during the time of Jim Crow laws. God poured out His Spirit and over the span of ten years, this revival shook up the world! The local newspapers called it a weird new sect with people speaking in a babel of tongues. William Seymour said, "With apostolic revival, comes apostolic persecution."

There will be another great outpouring of God's Spirit and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the world will hate Christians for the sake of Jesus and the truth of the gospel, but God will always oppose the proud and give His grace to the humble. When God does this work, it will not be stopped until the return of King Jesus! 

Who's side will you be fighting on? God's or satan's? We all know the outcome of this story, God wins!

In Jesus,